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Webinar: Best Practices and Importance

Webinar: Best Practices and Importance
of Process Documentation

Description: Process documentation is essential to your organization's success, yet so many don't have it. It's in bits and pieces, in a notebook, on your laptop, or worst of all...only inside of that overwhelmed brain of yours! More organizations realize how much it's needed, especially as they see staff come and go or as you begin embarking on your journey to iMIS EMS. Join us as we tell you how to get started and what tips and tricks have helped others to document those key processes. (Earn 1 CAE credit)

Target Audience: 
All iMIS Professionals

Instructor: Wes Trochlil, Effective Database Management

Fees: Free for NiUG Members, $75 for Non-Members

11/29/2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time
Zoom Invite To Be Sent Prior To Call! This Webinar Begins At 1:00 PM (Eastern Time)

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